About This Game Alice in CyberCityAlice in CyberCity is outcome of five week studentproject in Ahlman Institute. CyberCity is city of future where droids and ex-humans-now-cyborgs and few human still left are living their everyday lives. Few humans left in city are not satisfied how things are changing more bad for them from day to day, but must come along with change. Player must complete quests as Alice, the main character of story.GenreSingle-player first person view science-fiction fantasy action indiegame.ControlsW - Move forwardA - Move leftS - Move reverseD - Move rightE - InteractSpace - JumpShift - RunLeft ctrl - CrouchLeft mouse button - Next during dialogs / Shoot / Show middle fingerRight mouse button - Throw itemsQuestsQuestlog is located in upper left corner of the game. Quests will always be there and successfully guide you through the whole game.MinimapMinimap is located in upper right corner of the game. Arrow shows direction related to current quest where to go.ProgrammersJussi Mäki-Kahra Game Design, Project Lead, Lead ProgrammerOlli Grön Vice Lead ProgrammerMarkus Alvinen ProgrammerVäinö Oksanen ProgrammerArtistsAnna-Lydia Surakka Vice Project Lead, Lead ArtistAnisia Turunen Vice Lead ArtistPetri Maatraiva ArtistKatariina Paulaniemi ArtistJuha Pudassalo ArtistHeidi Sällström ArtistWriterSampo Vihavainen Story WritingTools usedBlenderGimpSubstance PainterUnityVisual StudioScripting languageC# 7aa9394dea Title: Alice in CyberCityGenre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Team LeaguePublisher:Ahlman Game StudioRelease Date: 30 May, 2019 Alice In CyberCity Download Utorrent
Alice In CyberCity Download Utorrent
Updated: Mar 30, 2020